Republika Banana – Nov Slovenski Guild

Prispeval pato33
Ponedeljek, 12 December 2011 14:00

Blizzard je razširil svojo bozično ponudub v Evropi in je od sedaj mogoče kupiti Celestial Steed Mounta in Pandaren Monk Pet-a po znižani ceni. Ponudba traja do 2. januarja.

Ker se bližajo prazniki in s tem tudi veliki možje in, če ste se spraševali kaj boste kupili svojim bližnjim in prijateljem in, če imajo vaši sorodniki in prijatelji igralsko žilico potem so za vas pri Blizzardu uvedli bozično razprodajo pri kateri lahko kupite World of Warcraft in vse njegove Expansione z 30% pupustom. Razprodaja traja do 21. decembra in slednjo lahko najdete tukaj. Ampak ta popust ni navdušil nič kaj prida veselja, saj mnogi menijo da je še zmeraj predrago glede na to, da lahko na drugih straneh kupite po nižji ceni in da je v US razprodaja z 75% popustom ter z popustom na Mountu (Celestial Steed) ter Companionu (Panderen Monk). Se pravi, če primerjamo ceno v US in EU takoj opazimo razliko (Naslednje pretvorbe so približne in zaokrožene):

  • WoW: Battle Chest for $5 (reg. $19.99) pretvorjeno v € = 3,80 EUR
  • Cataclysm for $20 (reg. $39.99) pretovorjeno v € = 15 EUR
  • Wrath of the Lich King for $10 (reg. $39.99) pretvorjeno v € = 7,5 EUR
  • Celestial Steed for $10 (reg. $25) Ni na voljo v EU, = 19 EUR
  • Pandaren Monk for $5 (reg. $10) Ni na voljo v EU, = 7,5 EUR


Razlika je opazna, saj bi v US prihranili več denarja in ob tem dobili širšo ponudbo. Poleg World of Warcraft-a je v razprodajo vključen tudi Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty, kateri je znižan za 30% samo v EU (Čeprav je ta v US brez popusta cenejši kot v EU, v US je okoli 45€). Za več info klikni tukaj.

Zadnjič posodobil Petek, 16 December 2011 18:30


Patch 4.3 kmalu live!

Prispeval pato33
Torek, 29 November 2011 17:49
Končno je nastopil čas, da enkrat za vselej (upam) opravimo z Deathwingom, ampak pot do tja ne bo lahka in, če hočemo rešiti Azeroth bomo prvo morali odpotovati v preteklost in v prihodnost v primeru, da Deathwing uspe.

 Novosti z 4.3 patchom:
  • Raid Finder
  • Transmogifikacija
  • Void Storage
  • Novi Raid: Dragon Soul
  • Trije novi 5-man dungeoni: Well of Eternity, End Time, Hour of Twilight
  • Legendary Daggers za rougue; Fangs of the Father
  • Darkmoon Faire otok
  • Tier 13 Armor seti
  • Season 11 PvP seti
  • Novi Mounti in Companioni
  • Buffi in Nerfi

Slike-> Beri več!

Zadnjič posodobil Torek, 29 November 2011 18:40


Novi WoW Commercial!

Prispeval pato33
Ponedeljek, 21 November 2011 15:38

Izdan je bil novi WoW Commercial oziroma reklama v kateri tokrat “igra” vsem znani Teksaški Ranger, kdo drug kot Chuck Norris!

Zadnjič posodobil Ponedeljek, 21 November 2011 15:43


Vse najboljše World of Warcraft!

Prispeval pato33
Sobota, 19 November 2011 11:06

Kmalu bo minilo 7 let odkar so pri Blizzardu lansirali World of Warcraft in kakor je že v navadi bomo igralci počaščeni z Feat of Strenght Achivmentom in darilom, če se lognemo v Azeroth med 20. novembrom in 3. decembrom. Darilo se imenuje Celebration Package in vam ob kliku nanj spremeni vaš tabard v komercialni Tabard z WoW logotipom, ob enem pa vam poveča XP in Reputation ob ubijanju stvorovza 7%! Do zdaj se še neve ali ima tale package rok trajanje ali pa ne!

Vse najboljše World of Warcraft!

Vir: World of Warcaft Europe

Lep pozdrav,


Zadnjič posodobil Nedelja, 20 November 2011 17:42


World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria!!

Prispeval pato33
Petek, 21 Oktober 2011 20:14

Kakor je bilo za pričakovat, je Chris Metzen naznanil World of Warcraft: Mists Of Pandaria, kateri temlji na Horde vs. Alliance in ne vsebuje nobenega villian-a (Illidan, LK, Deathwing). No poglejte si trailer in presodite sami! Offical MoP stran:


  • Maximum level je bil prestavljen na 90!
  • Nova Hero klasa: Monk (Vse rase, razen Worgenov in Goblinov)
  • Nova Rasa: Pande (Horde ali pa Alliance; Up to you!)
  • PvE bitke
  • Pet’o borbe, Se pravi Pet Battle System (Pokemonnn!)
  • Čisto prenovljeni Talenti treeji.
  • Novi kontinent: Pandaria
  • “Izzivne” Temnice; Se pravi, da v določenem času opraviš neko teminico in na podlagi tega dobiš tudi Medaljo in z tem se lahko primerjaš z drugimi, I guess?

Pandaren Racials

  • Bouncy: Zmanjša damage pri padcu.
  • Inner peace: Podvojeni rested XP
  • Gourmand: + 15 v Cookingu
  • Epicurean: Podovojeni stati pri food buffih!
Zadnjič posodobil Petek, 21 Oktober 2011 20:31


Blizzcon 2011!

Prispeval pato33
Sreda, 19 Oktober 2011 12:55

Kot že veste se konec tedna obeta Blizzcon 2011 v Anaheim Convention Centru, ki se bo začel ta Petek 21.10.2011 in bo trajal do Sobote 22.10.2011. Kar se tiče novega WoW Expansiona, so vse le spekulacije tako pod kakšnim naslovom se bo glasil ta novi Expansiona, ampak kakor je že znano naj se bi po vsej verjetnosti imenoval “Mists of Pandaria“. To se pa sklepa na podlagi teh dveh dejstev:

  • Blizzard je rezerviral Trademarko Mists of Pandaria tekom tega leta.
  • J. Allen Brack je v intervjuju omeni, da bodo mogoče govorili o njih na letošnjem Blizzcon-u; Pandas “sounds like something we may be talking about at BlizzCon.”.

Spodaj si lahko ogledaste dnevni red za letošnji Blizzcon (Kliknite na sliko za povečavo).

Blizzcon predstavitveni video:

Kaj je to sploh Blizzcon? BlizzCon je Blizzard Entertainment-ova obletnica,namen Blizzcona je proslava njihovih glavnih franšiz, torej: Warcraft, Starcraft in Diablo. Na Blizzconu pride od previewu iger, govora z ustvarjalci, igranje Beta različic iger in še in še, do zaključnega koncerta, ki se bo to leto končal z Rock skupino “The Foo Fighters”.

Tisti, ki se boste odpravili na Blizzcon, si lahko brezplačno Aplikacija za vaš Android in iOS operacijski sistem. Ta aplikacija vam bo služila kot nekakšen vodič po blizzconu -> Prenos

Naj poudarim, da je Blizzcon mogoče gledati tudi kar z domačega udobja in je še čas, da si kupite Virtual Blizzcon Ticket, ki stane 29.99€.

Ta Petek in Soboto bom budno spremljalj novice z Blizzcona in jih bom nemudoma objavil tukaj!

Lep pozdrav,


Zadnjič posodobil Sreda, 19 Oktober 2011 14:06


Blizzard Customer Support Youtube Kanal!

Prispeval pato33
Četrtek, 06 Oktober 2011 18:15
Pri Blizzu so pred kratkim “lansirali” novi kanal, kateri je namenjen predvsem za pomoč strankam. Na Kanalu so objavljene vodiči in rešitve problemov, kateri se najbolj pogosteje zgodijo pri WoW-u. Videi so v Angleščini in so navoljo tudi v HD obliki. Customer Support Youtube Kanal lahko najdete tukaj.

Customer Support – Vodič o tem kaj narediti, ko so vam heknili v ACC.

Customer Support – Vodič o tem kako aktivirati Mobile Authenticator

Vir: WoW-Europe

Lep pozdrav,


Zadnjič posodobil Četrtek, 06 Oktober 2011 18:48


Deathwing Raid Weapons Models

Prispeval pato33
Ponedeljek, 03 Oktober 2011 12:24
Ste sprašavali v kakšen stilu bodo zgledala nova orožja, ki jih bo odvrgel stric Deathwing? Če ste se, potem si poglejte spodnji video.

Vir: MMO-Champion; Youtube

Lep pozdrav,


Zadnjič posodobil Ponedeljek, 03 Oktober 2011 12:27


Tier 13 Sets Bonus Pregled

Prispeval pato33
Nedelja, 25 September 2011 09:07
Originally Posted by Zarhym (Source)

While we’ve been previewing the visuals of tier 13 on the front page at, we thought you might be interested in the magics that lay imbued betwixt their stitches and plating. Behold — the tier 13 set bonuses!

Please keep in mind that the below data is pre–PTR and could change prior to the release of patch 4.3.

Death Knight

  • Blood, 2P — When an attack drops your health below 35%, one of your Blood Runes will immediately activate and convert into a Death Rune for the next 20 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once every 45 sec.
  • Blood, 4P — Your Vampiric Blood ability also affects all party and raid members for 50% of the effect it has on you.
  • DPS, 2P — Sudden Doom has a 30% chance and Rime has a 60% chance to grant 2 charges when triggered instead of 1.
  • DPS, 4P — Runic Empowerment has a 25% chance and Runic Corruption has a 40% chance to also grant 710 mastery rating for 12 sec when activated.


  • Balance, 2P — Insect Swarm increases all damage done by your Starfire, Starsurge, and Wrath spells against that target by 3%.
  • Balance, 4P — Starsurge generates 100% extra Lunar or Solar energy while Eclipse is not active.
  • Feral, 2P — While Berserk is active, Savage Defense absorbs are 100% larger, and your Blood in the Water talent now causes Ferocious Bite to refresh the duration of your Rip on targets with 60% or less health.
  • Feral, 4P — Frenzied Regeneration also affects all raid and party members, and your Stampede talent now grants two charges after using Feral Charge (Cat).
  • Restoration, 2P — After using Innervate, the mana cost of your healing spells is reduced by 25% for 15 sec.
  • Restoration, 4P — Your Rejuvenation and Regrowth spells have a 10% chance to Timeslip and have double the normal duration.


  • 2P — Steady Shot and Cobra Shot generate double the amount of focus.
  • 4P — Your Arcane Shot ability has a chance to grant 25% haste to you and your pet for 10 sec.


  • 2P — Your damaging spells have a 30% chance to grant Stolen Time, increasing your haste rating by 50 for 30 sec and stacking up to 10 times. When Arcane Power, Combustion, or Icy Veins expires, all stacks of Stolen Time are lost.
  • 4P — Each stack of Stolen Time also reduces the cooldown of Arcane Power by 3 sec, Combustion by 4 sec, and Icy Veins by 6 sec.


  • Holy, 2P — After using Divine Favor, the mana cost of your healing spells is reduced by 25% for 15 sec.
  • Holy, 4P — Increases the healing done by your Holy Radiance spell by 20%.
  • Protection, 2P — Your Judgement ability now also grants a physical absorb shield equal to 30% of the damage it dealt.
  • Protection, 4P — Reduces the cooldown of Divine Guardian by 60 sec and increases the radius of its effect by 70 yards.
  • Retribution, 2P — Your Judgement ability has a 50% chance to generate 1 Holy Power.
  • Retribution, 4P — While Zealotry is active your abilities deal 12% more damage.


  • Healer, 2P — After using Power Infusion or Lightwell, the mana cost of your healing spells is reduced by 25% for [10|15] sec. (10 sec for Discipline, 15 for non–Discipline.)
  • Healer, 4P — Your Power Word: Shield has a 10% chance to absorb 100% additional damage, and the cooldown of your Holy Word abilities is reduced by 20%.
  • Shadow, 2P — Shadow Word: Death deals an additional 55% damage, and you no longer take damage from your own Shadow Word: Death when the target fails to die.
  • Shadow, 4P — Your Shadowfiend and Shadowy Apparitions have a 100% chance to grant you 3 Shadow Orbs each time they deal damage.


  • 2P — After triggering Tricks of the Trade, your abilities cost 20% less energy for 6 sec.
  • 4P — Increases the duration of Shadow Dance by 2 sec, Adrenaline Rush by 3 sec, and Vendetta by 9 sec.


  • Elemental, 2P — Elemental Mastery also grants you 400 mastery rating 15 sec.
  • Elemental, 4P — Each time Elemental Overload triggers, you gain 200 haste rating for 4 sec, stacking up to 3 times.
  • Enhancement, 2P — While you have any stacks of Maelstrom Weapon, your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and healing spells deal 20% more healing or damage.
  • Enhancement, 4P — Your Feral Spirits have a 45% chance to grant you a charge of Maelstrom Weapon each time they deal damage.
  • Restoration, 2P — After using Mana Tide Totem, the cost of your healing spells are reduced by 25% for 15 sec.
  • Restoration, 4P — Increases the duration of Spiritwalker’s Grace by 5 sec, and you gain 30% haste while Spiritwalker’s grace is active.


  • 2P — The duration of your Doomguard and Infernal summons is increased by [15|45] sec and the cooldown of of those spells is reduced by 4 min. (45 for Demonology, 15 for non–Demonology.)
  • 4P — Soulburn grants a 10% increase to your spell power for 10 sec.


  • Protection, 2P — Your Revenge ability now also grants a physical absorption shield equal to 20% of the damage done by Revenge.
  • Protection, 4P — Your Shield Wall ability now grants 50% of its effect to all party and raid members.
  • DPS, 2P — Heroic Strike costs 10 less rage while Inner Rage is active.
  • DPS, 4P — Your Execute critical strikes have a 20% chance to refresh the duration of Colossus Smash.

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